​GDA News

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Seeking Nominations – GDA Editor and At-Large Trustee Positions

The GDA Nominating Committee is seeking candidates to fulfill Dr. Kumar Patel’s unexpired term as GDA Editor, July 2019 through July 2022. Responsibilities of the Editor’s position are available
 via the document below. 

 Responsibilities of GDA Editor 

Additionally, the Committee is seeking qualified candidates for the two expiring at-large Trustee positions on the GDA Board of Trustees. For more information on the qualifications and process for at-large trustee nominations, please click the document below. 

Details on at-large trustee nominations


Candidates interested in any of the open positions should submit a CV and cover letter listing qualifications to the Nominating Committee c/o Jeannie Watson at jeannie@gadental.org no later than Monday, June 24, 2019. The Nominating Committee will review submitted candidates prior to the July 2019 House of Delegates meeting in order to present a slate of qualified candidates for election by the HOD.
